Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What's the plan!!

I will be a Top Real Estate agent in 365 days....sounds bold huh?  First you should know this isn't a "How to" necessarily...more like a come with me for the ride and I'll share with you my wins and losses.  I'll share articles, recommend books and real estate services and/or products that are working for me and some that don't.  Why am I doing this?  What do I have to gain?  Well, there are 2 main reasons.

1. I think it's important to share your goals with people who have similar goals.  This allows for accountability.  You now have told the world what you plan on doing and no one likes to not fallow through, especially when the world knows.  I'm sharing this goal, "Top Real Estate Agent in 365 days" to motivate me to do what I know I can do and to be held accountable by my fellow Realtors. 

2.  I hope this motivate others.  I really enjoy helping people..  Don't we all?  Isn't that what we do?  Helping people?  The few agents  I've had an opportunity to give "Aha!" moments to felt really great.  I'm always reading and trying new products in our industry and I'm more than happy to share my experiences with people.

So when does this 365 days start?  November 1st 2010.  Why on this date?  We'll I'm going on vacation on the first of Oct and I thought it makes sense to start on the first of the month.  Hey, you asked.

Now here are some important things I want you to know, full disclosure, so you know where I'm coming from.

I'm not a natural writer so I'm sure for those blessed with this skill will have a field day with my posts.  I'll do my best not to make any 3rd grade mistakes while keeping you entertained and informed. 

I was a licensed part time Realtor in 2005. ( I was in the Navy at the time) Full time Realtor in 2008. Top producer in 08 & 09 in Pensacola FL. 

I moved to Jacksonville FL in 2010.  Only have a few family members in the area and know some military friends in the area.

Why is this important? Just thought you'd want to know that I'm not currently a "Mega Producer" and that I'm a real guy looking to share.  I'm really starting from scratch in a new area with very little contacts.  I have had some transactions but not enough to brag about.  This I think will give me a good starting point and allow for genuine progression and growth that can be followed, measured and shared. 

Well, that in a nut shell is who I am and why I'm sharing this adventure with everyone.  I hope you'll keep up with me and give me some advice along the way or that I can give a few good ideas that could be turned into something tangible for you.